Our Story

Visions & Dreams Come True

Erika Reading to Girls

About ten years ago, I told my husband, "I'm going to be an artist with prints in an online store!

He nodded his head and said, "Okay," even though I could tell he had lots of questions.

At the time this was a supportive response because, I zero experience drawing anything, and I don't think anyone thought of me and thought about artistic talent at the same time. They were clueless about what was inside of me. Heck, I was clueless... but I had a vision.

Well... many art classes, story ideas, an agent, creative briefs, children's book deals, deadlines later, I have finally launched my art store! I'm thrilled to see another milestone in my dream art career happening and I'm so happy that I get to share my art and the joy that went into creating it with you.

If you'd like to learn more about me and the books I've published, see my portfolio or book me for an event, please visit my author/illustrator website. I hope you see something you love here in this shop and decide to treat yourself or someone you love. I will be releasing new collections periodically so please subscribe to receive updates and special offers.

With Love,

Erika Lynne Jones